11 December 2019


Orchard toys has been a brand I have purchased for the littles in the past and have had on birthday and Christmas lists too! With three children in a little two bedroom house you can imagine its very fun, very chaotic, very full of love, very cosy and VERY full of toys so to cut down on the clutter, I have found a way of managing that and it's to stop people from buying too many toys unless it's something the children really want. I quite appreciate clothes vouchers and clothes when they're younger and get overwhelmed but some people don't like to do that and I completely understand that and I don't mind that at all so I spent ages thinking of what family and friends could buy for the kids that wasn't just going to get thrown away and that's when I was in Sainsbury's one day and discovered Orchard toys games!

The littles have been collecting them for a while and one of my favourite memories is playing the shopping list game on the train to Wales, it made the 5/6 hour train journey feel just that bit shorter and it was so nice that they were occupied on something other than a tablet for a while too.
As you can imagine when I was offered the chance to work with Orchard toys I jumped at the chance as I was already a massive fan anyway and promoting products you use all the time is so easy and enjoyable.

I'm going to link below my very favourites from the collection, some include the ones included in the bundle sent to me and some are actually ones I already owned too. I haven't included pictures of every game but have included a two different ones of the littles two favourites
I find when you become immersed into a game with the children you forget to snap away and I don't want to stage them!
I adore playing these with the children as Brad and I have started playing games together at night too and it's such a conversation starter and encourages immediate interactions, you ignore phones for while and you communicate. You stop getting caught up with the world of social media for 5 minutes and you focus on the game with the children and it's lovely. My littles truly love playing and I love it when we all sit around the table together and chat, laugh and learn and it's just so blooming lovely!

M Y  F A V O U R I T E  O R C H A R D  T O Y S  G A M E S 

  •  S H O P P I N G  L I S T - This is one is £8 and aimed at children 3-7 and is for 2-4 players but Iris is only just 3 and she's been playing this since she was one and a half (no exaggeration) she played it with us on the train to Wales and that was June 2018! She could look at the card she picked up and recognise if it was on the list she had and she could put it on her trolly! She wouldn't have probably been able to play as nicely if we weren't there to help but she for sure understood the concept so I would say as a family if you have a younger child they may be able to join in.
  • M U M M Y  A N D  B A B Y - Another one that was great for Iris and one I'll be introducing Rufus to within the next six months, this is a jigsaw and is aimed at 18months+, is £7 and is great as a team or individually. This ones great for learning and Lucas and Iris play this together, one picks the Mummy and the other picks the baby and vice versa and it's great team work and for once THEY PLAY NICELY TOGETHER AND IT'S A MIRACLE.
  • F A R M Y A R D  H E A D S - Another jigsaw which is £8 and which again is aimed at 18+ and this game is great! we turn it into a bit of a game and put the cards upside down and play a matching game but for younger children the matching up is the most important part and it helps them learn which head goes on what body! 
  • L I T T L E  B U S  L O T T O - A mini game which if you're like us and travel a lot is perfect and at only £5 makes a perfect stocking filler too! Aimed at children 3-6 and for 2-4 players it's a great little matching and memory skill game!
  • W H A T  A  P E R F O R M A N C E - This is a 5+ game so very much a Mummy, Daddy and Lucas game but this is Lucas' favourite for sure. He loves acting and just loves this game. It's £16.95 and requires 2+ people to play! This game always gets us giggling and laughing and enjoying each others company whilst being silly! I love it too.
  • R A I N B O W  U N I C O R N S - Iris' favourite game now! ages 3-5, RRP of £8.25 and needs 2-4 players! It's a really sweet game of who can get to the pot of gold first and it gets us all excited and sometimes, just sometimes, Daddy cheats.
  • M A T C H  A N D  S P E L L - £8.25 age 5+ and can have anything from 1-4 players! Lucas has both of the match and spells on offer! He has the younger one and the advanced one which I have linked! The yellow box is the younger one, the red box is the advanced one and Lucas loves this, he loves learning and once made us laugh so hard when he tried to spell knight and spelt tit instead! 
  • P O P  T O  T H E  S H O P S - Another older one, more for Lucas again but Lucas got this for his birthday one year and as he's loving being at school and learning, this is a great one for him! its ages 5-9 and needs 2-4players and will cost £10.25 and you can also purchase an international one too which I think is amazing and as a family who loves to travel, feel that would be a great addition to the games box!
  • W H E R E  D O  I  L I V E ? - My favourite one out the games for sure! I LOVE this game, there's a video of us playing this on my youtube too! It's a £10.25 game, for age 3-6 and for 2-4 players! Once again like Shopping list, Iris has been playing this and well for about a year or so and has never had any problems understanding so think with supervision and maybe a bit of guidance could be used for younger children! Such a good game, I love having the arctic board
  • G I R A F F E S  I N  S C A R V E S - Another super cute illustration! £8 and suitable for 4-7 and 2-6 players! This game is great for counting and colour matching and with a preschooler and a infant schooler, this game is great for them both!
Orchard games have so many to choose from! Looking on their website we need about million more because they just have such an incredible selection of them! Truthfully, we really do love Orchard toys and feel so privileged to be working with them!

As for the games I love the look of landmark lotto and  penguin pairs mini games! Brad's a big penguin fan and I love landmarks... someone remind us who these games are for! 

*We were gifted number street, giant road, mummy and baby, what a performance, giraffes in scarves, match and spell, farmyard heads and tails, rainbow unicorns, knights and dragons, llamas in pyjamas, little bus lotto and more things to do and jungle colouring books to review in return for a blog post! Some games above have been bought by myself or family and all words and images are my own and honest!*

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