12 April 2019


Day two in Disneyland Paris! This was mostly a studios day although we didn't spend much time in the studios park this time round. I find the studios a little more for grown ups and lots of indoor shows. (Shows we've done a million times and some shows that really need updating). The studios is great for pixar fans, Marvel fans, fast ride fans and for meet-and-greets! 

First stop of Wednesday was to head to Toy Story Playland to take photos of the littles in their outfits because I cannot help myself. I mean, you HAVE to take advantage of these situations and the fact they wear what I say, when I say it! Haha.
To be honest though, how cute are these photos of them together in their costumes though!?

On our way out of Playland we saw a que for a meet-and-greet with REMY! This was such a cool one to add to our list! Look how cute he is too. He was so funny and he even pretend to lasso Iris.
We also gave the ratatouille ride another go as the first time we went on it, Lucas was one and he wasn't allowed to sit on our lap and seconds into the ride he became scared and began to climb over me screaming and crying which led to them stop the ride until we seated him again... and that was basically holding him down, so unenjoyable but this time Roo was in the Ergo, Iris next to me and Lucas next to Brad and we LOVED it! The smell of Oranges, it was all just so amazing. Iris said it was a bit scary but I think it was great.

After Coming out of Ratatouille it had started to rain so we headed over to have lunch! We got super lucky and thanks to a VERY kind cast member, we got seated even though they were only seating reservations. She said because we had Rufus in the ergo and not the pram they would seat us anyway! We couldn't have been more grateful. This meant we missed the rain completely that day. We watched it absolutely pour down from the restaurant and couldn't thank the cast members enough. I'll talk about food, restaurants and dining plans in another blog post.

After coming out of the restaurant Lucas could hear music and demanded we went to find where it was coming from which we did and it was the Star wars legends of the force show and it was AMAZING, light flashes, smoke, fire and chewbacca! Now, i'm not a huge Star Wars fan but it was so good and it led to Lucas falling in love with all things Star Wars, especially Darth Vader! He wanted a light saber, a Darth vader figure and even wanted his face painted whilst Iris napped in the pram. 

We headed back into the Disneyland Park in the afternoon as we wanted to watch Illuminations as it was due to pour down with rain on Thursday and on Friday we would be flying home during it. We randomly found some ducks waddling along which the littles loved and they were being followed by a couple of cast members too! 

The littles had the best puddle jumping session ever and I blooming loved capturing those pictures as they will be some of my favourite photos ever I think. Super candid and with the purple and yellow plants in the planter behind and then the castle in the backdrop! PERFECT! 
I just love them a lot.

We then enjoyed a couple of meet-and-greets with Jessie and Jafar before heading back to the castle ready to watch illuminations with Popcorn.
We didn't take any photos of illuminations as I was too busy getting some video footage and sobbing but it was amazing as you can imagine.

Day two was lovely and I can't wait to show you day three and four! I am also still working on other Disneyland Paris posts to help you too!

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