22 June 2018


16 weeks pregnant, that's crazy. More crazy because at this gestation for both our previous two we've done gender announcements. We've always booked a private gender scan, whereas this time we're not doing that, so it's so strange for us. With not finding out the gender this time it's strange for me but i'm also really liking it. The surprise at the end of labour.

It's been 4-5 weeks since I wrote the first trimester update so a lot has changed and I'm struggling pretty badly. I thought I was suffering with SPD and sciatica but actually when speaking to a doctor at 15 weeks he told me that actually a back and spinal issue and he's referred me to a back specialist for Physiotherapy and to see what to do. It's not what I had planned and in a weird way, i'm glad i'm not just exaggerating some pregnancy niggles. I’m currently working on amended duties doing admin jobs around the care home I work in until maternity leave which I am SOOOO appreciative of! I really didn’t want to be signed off for the next 12 weeks until I would of had to have gone on maternity leave at 28 weeks! I was so desperate to continue working until hopefully 37 weeks! So I’m so glad this is where I am at now. 

I've not got a midwife appointment until next week, where i'll be 17 weeks but that's okay. We managed to pick up baby's heartbeat on the home doppler last week, which is lovely. I know home dopplers aren't for everyone but we've always loved listening at home. I have learnt to know the difference between a placenta, my heartbeat and also other inside sounds to the heartbeat. We've never used it for reassurance, if baby wasn't moving the same or we were concerned, we've always gone to the hospital. It's more of a bonding thing for us, nothing more.

This pregnancy seems to be going quickly at the moment and i'm stuck between wanting it to go quickly and also to go slower because we're never doing it again and thats sort of bittersweet.
I haven't felt anything I can say i'm certain is movement yet, but I think they said I had an anterior placenta again, which I had when I had Iris. So hopefully I start to feel movements that i'm like "yep, that was movement" soon as i'm desperate to know they're in there. I've only felt one on Tuesday that felt like strong flutters but haven't felt it since so i'm not sure.

BABY IS THE SIZE OF:  An Avocado (thannnnnks) or an action figure by ovia!
IM LOOKING FORWARD TO: feeling baby move
MY FAVOURITE MOMENT WAS: hearing their heartbeat
I HAVE BEEN FEELING: Exhausted, back and spine is awful and I am struggling.
I HAVE BEEN BUYING FOR BABY: a knitted cardigan and a Winnie the pooh sleepsuit
IM CRAVING: nothing really, I don't have much of an appetite.
IM LOVING: seeing my bump growin
I'VE BEEN MEANING TO: Think about an ikea shop!

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