With Disneyland Paris in just over a week and a busy December when we get back we have decided to do the tree! Yesterday was our annual Christmas tree decor day and although the past two years have been a little more stressful, Lucas has these two ears that do NOT listen very well at all and that does mean its tarnished a little but nonetheless every year we always make it a big thing and listen to christmas songs, drink hot chocolate, wear christmas clothes and usually finish with a christmas film. Yesterday we couldn't finish with a film as it got too late as we started later as I had a job interview in the morning (I GOT THE JOB, YAYYY) but our annual day was VLOGGED as usual, so I will be editing that and getting that up by December 1st. For now heres our pictures and a little more about our Annual festive day!
Putting the tree up is always harder than I remember and this year I managed to get away with it because of my broken wrist. I left Brad with the boring job of putting the tree together and I enjoyed Michael Buble's Christmas album (my fave) and then prepared everything for decorating.
We are as traditional as we can be with red, white and silver decorations on a green pre-lit tree and it's not christmas until the tree lights come on and our white star is placed on top - We always put the star on together! I'd love to look back through the years vlogs to see how it changes!
Decorating the tree usually consists of Lucas putting them all on the same branch, right at the bottom and me moving them up the tree as he fills up the same branch over and over again.
Every year we go to a garden centre and the children chose a new decoration each and we're always expanding the bigger, statement baubles. We have used the same red, white and silver tiny baubles since we had our first christmas together in our flat nearly 5 years ago!
Brad encouraged Lucas by picking him up in the end to actually spread the baubles from being in one place on one branch. I love finding Lucas and Iris' personalised soft christmas baubles and all the ones our friend Aleksa made us! She's incredibly talented and they're some of my favourite decs - Especially the mistletoe that hangs in between our lounge and diner!
Iris spent some time in the highchair to stop her being a cat and batting the baubles that were on the floor around the dining room and into the lounge! She discovered a flashy, snow globe thing so was occupied for a while.
Once the tree was up and decorated and we added the star to the top it was time for our festive hot chocolate after some family photos and a couple of photos of the kids under the christmas tree. I'm excited for last years to come up on timehop so I can cry over the comparison.
We really struggled with our family photo this year!! We chose the best one from a bad bunch! 2 kids, self timer, no co-operation from the kids = disaster haha! Maybe next year will be better.
Lucas christmas top is from NEXT (last year)
Iris' christmas cardigan is from Sainsburys (which is currently on 25% off but im not sure for how long)
Keep scrolling for more exciting photos!!