So I decided to throw my own baby shower, I decided it was nicer to call it a sprinkle than a shower, as being my second baby I wanted it to be less "shower me with gifts" and more come and enjoy cake and celebrate the fact were having a baby girl; Especially if you're planning your own.
I spent a lot of time on pinterest thinking of ideas, schemes and ideas for it. I wanted it to be fun, pretty and laid back, something really simple yet quirky and cute. After hours on pinterest, I spent hours on ebay, etsy, mackro, tesco and new look home searching for everything to make it cute and perfect. I had so much fun but my bank balance and body is running on absolute empty now.
I had a baby shower with Lucas and an old friend planned it for me, everyone was so generous and I didn't want people to feel obliged to turn up with bundles of gifts. To me having a baby sprinkle was about having all my favourite people together, celebrating Iris' upcoming arrival and eating cake. I also adore decorating and planning things like this! My ideal job would be a part party planner, part photographer and then I could blog about it afterwards! A girl can dream.
I wanted the baby sprinkle to be perfect, she has a lovely space in her baby journal for the pictures and when you have a second baby, people react differently, and theres less excitement than the first for many, and people seem a little more withdrawn than when it's your first; but obviously to Brad and I it's just as exciting and we wanted to make sure I made it as special and fun as Lucas'.
I feel it was certainly just as fun, if not full of more laughter and more laid back, we had a few games, most of the friends I wanted there were there, and it was just how i'd imagined it from pinterest.

Anyone who knows me knows I have a huge love for flamingos and pineapples and Brad absolutely despises it haha! He says they're tacky but i reckon deep down he actually loves them. I wanted something a little quirky as I don't do normal. I didn't want to do your typical pink and white theme, I also wanted something that was more quirky than the rainbow theme I thought about before too.
I swayed through a theme and ended up with pineapples, flamingos, pink, gold and sweet!
I ordered 3 boxes of sweets from mackro and made sweet bags; Which contained sour dummies, milk bottles and pink sprinkle hearts, I also made popcorn cones with the cutest little "ready to pop" stickers on them. I chose sweet popcorn and toffee popcorn. I wanted sweet treat favours for guests as thought it was a nice touch for our little, sweet girl!
STICKERS: eyedeedesign
IRIS FLOWERS: bluebells31
FLAMINGO PLATE: thesparkleboutique
GOLD STRIPED BAGS: trulyscrumptiousbags
POPCORN BAGS: polymailbags
PINK CUPS: justin_the_nic_of_time
GOLD CUPS: justin_the_nic_of_time
FLAMINGO CONFETTI: thesparkleboutique
PINK STRAWS: helenraspberryblue
GOLD STRAWS: helenrasberryblue
GAMES: Hellorosepaperie
Flamingo lights and pineapples, no longer avaliable.
I had an absolute blast and Iris would have been proud, Lucas adored himself too, and it was such an amazing afternoon, with some really lovely people and some really lovely gifts which were very much appreciated.
Thank you