So I had all these intentions, weekly "bumpdates" on my blog and fortnightly on youtube until, the last 10 weeks, and then go weekly... So far I have completed 0 on my youtube channel and bumpdates up until 12 weeks, minus photos though.
I suppose once you've had a baby, especially one with a section you get a little "pouch" and it takes a while to tell the difference between bump and pouch thats grown. I regret it now but I wish I had taken a few more photos of my "bump" I have so many for Lucas, but barely any for our little lady.
We have had a 16 week private gender scan, and you've probably seen that we are expecting a little girl, which is crazy, as I never expected to have a girl; and we revealed her name.
Some really big pregnancy milestones there!
This pregnancy hasn't been easy in the slightest, but then neither was Lucas'. Lucas' was quite a lot easier than this one in the sense of illness and things. I also guess they say, nothing worth having is easy.
With Lucas I suffered with slight morning sickness, cramping and exhaustion in the first trimester, and a little bit more sickness at around 14 weeks, over christmas, which lasted 2 days. I suffered with slight spotty skin towards the end of the pregnancy but that was about it, as far as I can remember. I suffered with SPD throughout my whole pregnancy and ended up on crutches and on sick leave officially at 20 weeks and maternity leave at 26 weeks. It wasn't great but hips wise, they were so painful, but i did have a slight time of "glowing."
This time round it's been a lot more and a lot more different things acne of my face, back and chest, prominent veins across my chest, dandruff, hair loss, low blood pressure, dizziness, extreme exhaustion (anemia,) cramping, lots of sickness, loss of appetite, weight loss, heart palpitations and also SPD. So all in all, she's giving me the run around. Would I change it? No, she'll be worth every ache, pain, spot, the works.
Pregnancy isn't glamorous and I promise I wont be too crude but if i'm doing occasional updates then their going to be honest. I'm not glowing, but i'm extremely happy to have this pregnancy.

Buying girls clothes is a lot of fun, we seem to have a lot of pink, and you all know that i'm not a gender stereotype, but it is lovely to be buying things in pink and frills.
Girls clothes are so pretty, more expensive but pretty. I do find with boys you just need a few pairs of jeans, and a bunch of tops and they're sorted. With girls, its headbands, tights, dresses, shoes, ect... Okay that is stereotypical of me, but if she turns around and says "mummy, I want to dress in jeans and a boys top,' then thats fine by me. I always said the same about Lucas, and still stand by that. She does have a bunch of Lucas' old stuff too, the first few things are bound to be as girly as you can get for novelty.

Heres a couple of pictures from our 16 week scan again, in the 4D scan. So amazing but odd.
We've started buying a few things, we have the snuzpod2 in Blush and it's lovely, I am so eager to put it up already, I said I wanted to wait 10 weeks, but I guarantee it will be up a lot sooner than that. We have a playgym, a bouncer and she's already stocked up with christmas clothes too. Thanks NEXT sale.
Being Pregnant is amazing, but so, so tough.
You can follow my bump updates on our other social media.