So we've hit thirty eight weeks, we're only two weeks away from due date and I find it so crazy how quickly everything is coming around. I am feeling very exhausted, uncomfortable and overwhelmed. We're practically ready for the baby now, although I ask Brad to find something on my list EVERYDAY and he STILL has failed to complete the task. What is it with men and their non urgent attitude.
We've been getting festive this week, our tree's gone up and we headed to the Christmas market. I wanted to make sure we started getting festive early so the kids could start feeling some excitement and they get to do exciting Christmas things before i'm too exhausted or the baby arrives. As of next week Brad's put me on bed rest... I am not allowed to go out or do too much. I'm seeing the midwife next week and then he wants me to slow down. He's probably right, I am getting exhausted, snappy and I keep getting contraction pains when I walk. It's proving a little difficult to get around and I am struggling a lot now. It is difficult though as I'm desperate to be ready for baby, the house be immaculate, be prepared and everything be in tip top shape but that is a lot harder with two children around. It's also harder with a husband who's pretty rubbish at picking things off the floor, no matter how many times he walks past them! I'm not sure who's worse? Lucas, Iris or Brad! Haha.
This week has been pretty straight forward so not too much to update really. I am just so baffled that we're nearly at the meeting our baby stage where we FINALLY find out who they are! eeek.
BABY IS THE SIZE OF: Rhubarb or a Ukulele, Pomeranian or a half a baking sheet of meringues
IM LOOKING FORWARD TO: Hopefully FINALLY getting everything ticked off my list! Husband if you're reading this FIND THE BLOOMING HEADPHONE ADAPTOR FOR ME PLEASE!
MY FAVOURITE MOMENT WAS: Putting the tree up.
I HAVE BEEN FEELING: The same, exhausted but with added snappiness.
I HAVE BEEN BUYING FOR BABY: Nothing specifically for baby but we did buy an extra memory card and a spare battery for the canon g7x
IM CRAVING: The smell of laundry and this week i've really wanted Chamallows but seems every shop is telling me not to do it as they're sold out everywhere.
IM LOVING: The house being festive
I'VE BEEN MEANING TO: Nag the husband again to find the blasted headphone adaptors!
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