Being a night worker my body clock is VERY confused. It doesn't know whether it is coming or going and after tracking my sleep on a sleep app I was incredibly concerned about the lack of sleep I was actually getting overall but the problem is when I am off work - I JUST CANNOT SLEEP. Which mean's that although technically Brad is working 24 more hours a week more than me and should be getting less sleep, most of the time I am actually getting the same or even less than him.
Some nights I'll find myself still awake at 4am/5am and knowing that in around an hour or two maximum my two energetic toddlers will be waking up and i'm going to be hearing screams and giggles, cries and playing whilst they trash their room, fight, play nicely, fight, pretend to be shop keepers and fight before I then get "stairs" from Iris and "Is Daddy home yet?" from Lucas and up I get after getting about 3 hours interrupted sleep.
Now, don't get me wrong the year I had home with the kids was hard, I worked super hard on my blog and photography, I tried to parent so hard and well and I was utterly exhausted BUT for me, personally, in the job I do that requires a lot of energy and stamina in the care setting as a healthcare assistant looking after vulnerable adults with high needs and dementia it is far from easy and being a working Mum in a care home as well as a self employed blogger, photographer and video creator my life is very, very hard work - although absolutely the right decision for our family. I walk around with eye bags big enough to hold a years worth of food shopping in and relying on expensive make up brands to minimise the effects that the lack of sleep has done to my face and coffee brands being like god to me in order for me to function throughout the day.
Then I realised that actually there has to be something and when I was approached to trial some new sleep solutions by Feather and Down I jumped at it as it was something that completely made sense to me and was something I really could get on board with trying.
Well, I have been trialling it for a week now and so far i'm impressed. I have been ill which has affected my sleep and I picked up an overtime shift at the weekend too but it's definitely something that has been making a difference even with those added extras.
I had been trying lots over the past month, not picking up my laptop in an evening to do work, meaning my blog was suffering because I wanted to see if the lack of sleep was because my body knew I was working and was stimulating it to be awake and all that achieved was a drop in blog posts and my motivation for life and blog work. I tries relaxing baths, I tried reading, I tried just laying in the dark... NOTHING! So, trying feather and down's products really was worth it.
Now, of course there is no miracle cure but I can hand on heart (I will always remain honest on this blog) say that it's made a difference and I can prove it on my sleep app! I have been trying the shower cream, which I use in the bath with their lavender bath salts which is super relaxing and the cream smells blooming divine!
I have the all purpose sleep balm which you rub on your temples, your wrists, your neck basically your pulse points to help aid a restful night. I actually put it under my nose slightly too so i get a nice smell off it whenever I inhale through my nose and once again it smells divine so I do not mind smelling that all night.
Then I also use the pillow spray, I also use one squirt a night on Lucas and Iris' pillows as well as using numerous generous squirts on mine and Brad's pillows (I weirdly spray a tiny bit on my hair too so I smell like it) and I get a lovely smell of it.
Since using it the time of getting to sleep has been shorter, my time in a deep sleep has been longer and this has meant that i'm getting a bit more sleep. Except the night's i've worked I haven't been aimlessly awake at 4/5am getting frustrated at myself. The products smell amazing and i'm really fussy in terms of lavender scented or lavender infused items as I am not a huge lover of the smell of lavender but feather and down get the right balance and it's perfect.
I am now about to switch my laptop off and head into the land of nod after a bath and using my feather and down products. I wanted to give them a trial before I wrote my post as I don't believe in reviewing a product/s that you've never tried or tried for one night. I am genuinely impressed and with the RRP not being ridiculous I would recommend if you're a Mum who cannot sleep, a night worker or just someone who doesn't sleep well, give these products a try! You have nothing to lose, not even sleep.
*I was gifted these products in return for an honest review, all words and opinions are my own and will always be honest and real*
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