11 January 2018


We spend a lot of time in 'Our woods, we have so many memories there and they're really special to us. I know it sounds really silly because they are just woods and they don't belong to us but it's been a special place for memories. We walked here a lot when we first moved house as they were local. We went on a walk her a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant with Iris and in the pictures rainbows kept appearing in the photographs, it was like it was a sign, it was so lovely and it meant a lot to us.

At around 10 weeks pregnant with Iris we headed down to "OUR" woods and filmed a pregnancy announcement. This quickly became our favourite place to visit and whenever we visit its our happy place and we always come back with lovely new moments and memories!
I took my tripod with us this time and set it up for some family photos, We never get enough family photos so this is something I think we'll start doing more often in order to capture us as we grow together as a family.

Going on walks together as a family is really important to us and making memories with places that don't always cost money. We aren't rolling in money recently and if anything we're scraping the pennies out from behind the sofa and trying to get by every month, this doesn't stop us going out together and making the most of the time we have together.

Brad and I now work opposite nights and have sacrificed our evenings together for the kids and having more time with the kids. It works for us at the moment and the kids are loving having us around more, even if we're both exhausted and aren't having as much couple time. I love these winter walks, wrapped up warm and spotting icicles and stepping on frosty leaves.
It costs nothing and we come home to hot chocolate or a cup of tea and watch a Disney film or something. 

This weeks Candid day was a walk in the woods with my family and I can't wait to see what next weeks is. Don't forget to add your link below and i'll pick my favourite and join in the by using the hashtag on instagram and I share my favourites here and on my insta stories every week!