1 September 2017


Bath times, our favourite time of the day. It's the time the kids behave, they are quiet, they like to play together without bickering and they come out smelling delightful and the mess and bits of food debris of the day are washed away. I love getting them out, bundling them up in hooded towels and giving them both a massage before putting them into clean pyjamas and reading their bedtime story before cuddles, breastfeeding and tucking them into bed with numerous kisses.
Bedtime is a bittersweet time of the day for me. I love the bond and relaxing cuddles but I also am putting them to bed and I always miss them when they're in bed.

Bath time for us is always something we make fun. We count the number of cups of water that we use on Lucas hair to wash out the soapy shampoo bubbles, we play with boats and ducks, we splash and drench the bathroom when it's bathroom cleaning day and we use it as sensory. We love finding things that can go in the bath for sensory. So today we used my dying flowers from the coffee table.

When it comes to cleaning the kids i'm fussy. We're happy to buy supermarket own beans, bread and jam but when it comes to kids bath products I settle for no less than the best. My kids skin is sensitive, it's delicate and I want to protect it by using the best products I can. We buy the most expensive wipes, nappy cream, bubble bath, lotions and potions. It's the only thing we really "splash" out on really. We're bargain hunters 95% of the time but when it comes to bath products we just don't settle.

Dove have just bought a new range of baby products and I was eager to try them and see if it was as lovely as the stuff aimed for adults. I have always adored the smell of Dove. It reminds me of being at my Nan's house; as she always had it and washed us in it.

Dove have been building on moisture, mildness and gentle care over the past 60 years and as a Mother, I am building my children's skin on the same idea. 
The products are tear free and we have tried the sensitive and rich moisture and love them all.
I love the Baby Dove Rich Moisture Wipes, they are so soft and clean well. There is no breaking of the wipe as you pull them out the packet like some wipe brands, they're not too wet and they're easy to clean with.

Lucas is at that I am three, I am independent stage and the 200ml Baby Dove Rich Moisture Head to Toe Wash is perfect size for him to hold and use himself or the Baby Dove bar is easy for him to use too. You give him his flannel, then he presses down and gets some soap or he rubs the bar into the flannel and then he washes himself and looks all smug with himself. 

What I love after the bath is the baby massage. You bring them in all cuddled in the blanket, lay them on the floor in their bedroom and squirt their belly with the Baby Dove Rich Moisture Lotion and then rub it in whilst tickling them and then slowly massage their arms and legs until it's all massaged in and then I get them into lovely soft, clean pyjamas. It's lovely.
It's the perfect time to bond and smile and chat with them. It's something you imagine doing whilst pregnant and then when you do it, it's just better than you could imagine.

We're really impressed with Baby Dove and once we run out of everything we'll be re-buying it. We're really happy with how it is on the kids skin. It hasn't irritated the kids skins so, that's amazing. Baby Dove is hypoallergenic and has been tested by dermatologists and approved by paediatricians. So, what more could you ask for! 

We're converts. We love it.

*This is a paid blog post. All words and opinions are my own. I was sent the products and paid to write about Baby Dove in my own words, with my an honest opinion.*