The last time we took a lovely stroll or day out like this, I was pregnant. We went out a lot at the end of my pregnancy. Making the most out of our last few months as a family of 3 and being just a mum of one. I adore the trips out with both kids, and I love taking my camera and capturing photos of Lucas. I can't wait until the pictures of Iris aren't just her in a pram or a car seat, when we're out. Although I don't want her to grow up too quickly.
Lucas is a wonderful big brother. Lucas adores her, he cuddles her and is so proud of her. When we're out and about he says to people, "Here's my baby sister," and that makes my heart melt.
Lucas has a buggy board that he calls his skateboard, and he loves it. It's made trips out so much easier and he's just incredible.
Today we took a trip to Lee-on-solent with my Nan and Brother, and it was lovely. We had some lunch and a coffee and then took Lucas to the park. Lucas loves the park, he's obsessed with the slide and, I love the park too, as it means he burns off all his excess energy and he has a huge smile on his face.
We then took a walk down the seafront and threw stones into the water and Lucas splashed in some puddles.Lucas seems so grown up now compared to Iris. He seems to be huge, he's no longer my baby. His speech has come on amazingly and he's just so lovely to be around.
Going on walks with Iris in the carrycot, all snuggly and warm and Lucas in his rain coat, with his snood and hat on, walking and riding on his skateboard.

Thank you for reading,