14 October 2016


Lucas is a very clued up, clever little toddler, he is very aware of everything that is going on around him and I want to make sure that he knows how proud we are of him and even with his challenging behaviour at times and the sleepless nights we've been having, that we still love him, and we understand just how scary this all is for him. Being a big brother isn't easy and it takes a really amazing little boy to take on the role and do it well an he's nailing it already.

The 5 things I want to tell Lucas about becoming a big brother are.

1. I KNOW IT'S NOT EASY - Nothing worth having is easy kiddo, and I promise you that even though at the beginning you're going to wish she was back in my tummy, where she was quiet and you still got all the attention, that one day you wont need my attention as much as you think you do and you'll want to play and spend your time fighting with her and showing her all the cool things you do and teaching her to do them too. You wont hate it and her forever. It will get easier and she does get funner.

2. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU DON'T TOTALLY GET EVERYTHING - Yes it scares me that you'll put your hands in her face to tickle her and you'll want to pick her up and cuddle her and that you don't totally understand the dangers of soft spots and shoving toys in her face, and sometimes I'll freak out and say "NO Lucas," and you'll get upset as you don't know what you did thats so wrong, and that's okay. I promise you, it's not your fault and that it's mummy just being worried as mummy understands danger and how fragile babies are. It's not your fault you don't get it.

3. IM SORRY, THAT YOU NO LONGER HAVE MUMMY AND DADDY TO YOURSELF BUT ONE DAY YOU'LL THANK US - At the moment, the fact you'll have to share us is daunting, it's frustrating and you probably don't particularly like your sister but one day when you're playing together and i'm tidying the house or catching up on some work and need an hour to myself and you need to play with your toys for an hour, you'll thank me. You'll have a friend for life and as much as when she's really little, she's boring and takes away some of your time, one day you'll thank us for giving you, your sister as you'll never play alone... although some days you'll probably want to be alone and that's when you can hide in your bedroom.

4. APPRECIATE EACH OTHER - Don't hate each other, have your little squabbles and bickers, but don't grow up hating each other, cherish each other, appreciate how lucky you are to have each other. One day (hopefully when we're super old) we wont be around anymore and I want to know that you're both close and a support network for each other. Having a sibling is a wonderful thing and while we do expect you to get along 70% of the time, just try and be as close as you can be. You're both loved equally.

5. WE LOVE YOU THE EXACT SAME - When I gave birth to you, I couldn't imagine myself loving anyone as much as I love you, but now I know that love for your own children is easily divided and that it really is possible to love both your children the same and both daddy and I love you both the same. Never think any different and we promise that we'll never make you feel like we love you any more or any less than each other.

6. WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU - becoming a big brother is a massive leap, especially at 2, so honestly, we really are proud of you and we cannot thank you enough for being the most special little boy, even with your occasional naughtiness. Keep being the most brilliant little boy you are and we promise we'll always be proud of you.

What would you tell your little one about becoming a big brother or sister?


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