So here we are again, I was 29 weeks pregnant yesterday! I am so, so excited and can't believe I am a week away from the 10 week countdown, although could easily only be 6 weeks. So it's all getting a little real and a little scary.
This week has been really long compared to the others and i've been spending a lot of money this week! Purchasing everything for my baby sprinkle, which is in just under 2 weeks. I've been really putting a lot of thought into the little details and thinking about making it perfect. I wasn't in control of my my baby shower with Lucas, and as a pinterest obsessive found that really difficult and didn't want to ask for certain things as they were paying. So this time, I took control and paid for everything.
So in week 28, we had a manic one, lunches, a scan, a midwife appointment and a cinema trip. So was a busy ol' week.
I'll start with the scan as it's the main thing. We had a scan booked to check that my placenta was no longer covering my cervix and blocking baby's exit. Well the good news is, is that it isn't, it's out the way and baby's head is actually lower than the placenta now. That being said, anyone who has followed me since my journey to becoming a mum with Lucas, will know I have a unicornuate uterus, which means my uterus is banana shaped and means theres less space for her to move around. Lucas was breech, most likely because of this condition. He was breech the whole pregnancy. He was head down at 16 weeks and that was it. So to hear that she was head down at 28 weeks was amazing. I was so over the moon. I asked the consultant what the chances are that she'd flip back and he said most baby's once they go head down, stay that way and I can have a natural birth if she doesn't flip back.
He seemed pretty positive, so i'm crossing absolutely everything that she doesn't turn back round now. I am so desperate for a natural birth, I want to try hypno-birthing and actually feel the pains and do it all naturally, so I hope that the consultant is right and with the added fact she's more snug in there because of the shape, that she stays head down. I don't want her flipping back round and getting stuck breech. Whatever happens will happen but healing from a section with a toddler and a newborn is stressing me out. So she has to be good, I hope!
She also was estimated to weigh 2lbs 13oz's at the scan, exactly the same amount as what Lucas was at that gestation. So that was amazing. She is growing really well, so i'm over the moon. Really positive scan.
The midwife appointment was pretty standard, blood pressure, low but that's normal for me, She measured bump and I was measuring a week ahead still, she took bloods and amazingly took them first time and listened to her heartbeat which was strong and amazing. Lucas loves listening to it and tells her "sister," "mummy's baby" and "Iris" it's literally the cutest. He's so clued up and proud. For 2 years old, he really gets it, more than I thought he ever would.
Symptoms wise, I literally have just been feeling exhausted, heavy and had a terrible migraine on Sunday but other than that no changes.
IM LOOKING FORWARD TO: Getting my deliveries from Ikea, our new bed and nesting in our rooms. My mum and her partner are bringing a drill over on Friday or Saturday to get our shelves up in our bedroom! I need to nest but need certain things doing first.
MY FAVOURITE MOMENT WAS: The scan for sure. Nothing better than a positive scan
I HAVE BEEN BUYING FOR BABY: Baby sprinkle goodies, roomy bits and a baby record book.
IM CRAVING: Sponges still, I have resulted to chewing them but spitting them out! I had the same with Lucas and I couldn't help it either, I start feeling really irritable otherwise. (I'm not changing this as it's still the same! HAHA)
IM LOVING: Planning making our house baby ready again!
I'VE BEEN MEANING TO: Vlog again! The heat has made me stop! I have so many ideas still.
Lets see how 29 weeks go! Nearly in the 30's.
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