10 May 2016


Friday we find out the gender of baby number two. We were going to do a vlog on my youtube channel of the 'old wives tales' predictions but i'm still feeling a little poorly and exhausted, to say the least. So it's a blog post instead.
A lot of the old wives tales when I was pregnant with Lucas weren't correct, but thought it would be a fun post either way.

So here goes:
1. Carrying high or low - I am carrying high, so that is GIRL
2. Clear skin or major break outs - Major breakouts, i've never been so spotty in my life. So that is GIRL
3. Baby's heartrate? Above 140 girl, below 140 boy - It's 142 so It's GIRL, but quite close to boy too.
4. Craving sweet or sour - I haven't really had any proper cravings, but am a fan of sweets, so GIRL.
5. Chinese gender prediction - BOY
6. Morning sickness? -  SO MUCH, SO MUCH! GIRL
7. Did you legs get big? - No, GIRL
8. Are you moody? - YES, GIRL
9. Clumsy or graceful - clumsy,  BOY
10. Feet colder when pregnant? No, GIRL
11. Is you pee dull or bright? - Dull, GIRL
12. Does your leg hair grow quicker? - No, BOY
13. Do you have dry hands? - Yes, BOY
14. watermelon or basketball bump? - Watermelon, GIRL

It's all just a little bit of fun, but that's BOY 4 VS 7 GIRL!
I am convinced we're having a little boy again, and Brad is convinced we're having a little girl, so all will tell. Lucas also says sister or girl, when you ask.

What do you think we're having!? Have a little guess for fun and all should be announced over the weekend!