So today marks the 4th anniversary of Brad and I meeting and starting our relationship, so thought i'd do a little blog post to let you know about us and a little insight to our life before Lucas.
We met on December 31st 2011/January 1st 2012. Brad lived in a shared house, with 4 of my friends and my best friend Hannah (as the lodger.)
I knew there was a 5th member of the household, but knew he was the one who either hid in his room or worked all the time.
Anyway, dressed up and ready to go, we all walked over to our favourite nightclub (Unit) This was the first time I met Brad and he had the bushiest beard and moustache ever.
One of our friends, Sam, Hannah's boyfriend at the time, made a joke about "setting us two up," I think I replied with something like "He's cute, but if I wanted something to happen it would have to happen naturally," so nobody pushed us to talk or anything, and actually, I was far to drunk to actually take any notice of anybody.
We left the club around 1am to continue to party back at the boys house, and when we got back we all crashed in Will's bedroom, and were chatting, and I happened to fall asleep on Brads chest!
We all chilled out and in my drunken state, I asked Brad to spoon me, to save me sleeping on the manky sofa, he agreed, and we literally kissed and spooned and that was it - really.
The next day, we literally laid in bed, chatting, chilling, watching the mighty boosh, drinking cups of tea, and nearly gagging on Brad's terrible attempt of marmite on toast. (There was more marmite than toast)
I then ordered all the boys a dominos pizza each to say thank you for letting me stay the night, and ended up staying over again. Being polite, I went to set up camp on the manky sofa, but Brad offered to share his comfty, warm bed instead. I wasn't turning down that offer.
I finally went to work the next day, wearing the same clothes I wore new years eve and feeling a little worse for ware.
We started texting and then on the 5th January, we all went out on a night out, to unit, you'll see this was the only place we ever went out.
This night out was the first night out we kissed in public and in true "supportive friends" style, they all "whayyyyed" at us. I remember the trying not to laugh at them all. This was also our first ever photo together! How cute is that, ey? Oh and by this point, I'd made a joke about Brad's beard and stache and he ran off and shaved it all off... turning into a pubescent boy!
Then on the 4th February 2012, we officially became boyfriend and girlfriend on facebook, there was none of this "will you be my girlfriend," It was Sam (above) going "When are you going to be facebook official," and Brad replying with "I'll do it when I get back," That was him agreeing we were a couple.
We then attempted to be cute on photobooth apparently.
Then it was my birthday (8th march), my 19th birthday, I remember my friend telling Brad, during the night out that I loved him and he didn't say he loved me too. I remember her telling me and thinking he hated me! We then went to London for my birthday weekend and it was so lovely.
(WOW, that photo is orange)
Anyway, we had such a lovely time, lots of shopping, our first proper date, just us 2. It was so cute and I remember having such fun.
Somewhere between then and Brad's birthday (April 25th) Brad told me he loved me (finally) and then it felt so official then.
We were being really open with each other and telling each other things we'd never told anyone and basically spilling our deepest, darkest secrets and he said it.
We then had to make the decision to either move in together or to have Brad to move back to portsmouth and do a "longish" distance relationship.
This would have affected Brad's job too.
So i basically hinted, that if Brad rented a studio flat in southampton and stayed, i'd chip in with rent. Brad then just said "lets just get a place together," We were basically living together anyway, so thats what we did. So June 27th 2012 we moved into our first little flat.
Although, we did need to give 8 coventry road a good ol' send off. Well this was the only photo of me of the night... Thanks to Brad's housemate and my favourite ginger Tim's dad, he gave me so much limoncello, and because my anxiety was going crazy at the thought of meeting like 20+ of Brad's uni friends, I got too drunk and ended up chucking up in a bucket by 7pm and was put to bed. Not my finest move.
We then spent our first christmas together and saw our first anniversary seeing in 2013.
At the end of 2012, Brad was made redundant and started working at bupa with myself, we both worked the same nights and it meant we had so much time together, and we both really loved it.
Then it was 2013. 2013 was a pretty rubbish year for us, Brad lost his role model, his nan, and everyone was hit really hard, we were then told 2 months later, we'd struggle to have children and made the decision that if it was going to be really difficult, to no longer be careful, and if we fell pregnant, then it was meant to be.
During 2013, I went to tenerife, dyed my hair and cut it all off, struggled with my anxiety, bought on worse, at the thought of not ever having a baby of my own, our own. No matter how many people said "you'll be fine, you'll be able to conceive," in my head, it was never going to happen, so it hit me hard, i'd wanted nothing more, than to become a mummy one day, and I knew that Brad was the one I wanted to have children with, and Brad then admitting he'd never wanted to get married and have children, agreeing and totally happy to commit and knowing we both had the same life plans and they both included each other.
Well on the 16th October, 2/3 months after being told we'd struggle to conceive, we found out we were expecting our first baby, it was terrifying and honestly I worried at every little cramp, pain and twitch.

Then the rest is history, Lucas was born and I've been blogging since October 2013! Brad is so supportive of it, and loves vlogging as much as I do!!
We've got engaged, went to disneyland, had many laughs, fell pregnant again, lost the pregnancy, had our 4th christmas together and had so many tears, happy and sad.
Brad is the most amazing fiance, daddy and human being to ever grace the planet. He is caring, hardworking, funny, patience and giving. He is going to make any other children we have, very proud, just like he makes Lucas, he makes me proud, he's a credit to his parents and his nan. I've never met anyone who can still give me butterflies and make me this gushy, even 4 years on. I can't ever see my life without him in it. Lucas thinks he's the best thing since milkybar buttons and Biddey and honestly, if Lucas grows even into half the man Brad is, i'll be so happy and proud.
We love him to the moon and back!
Thank you guys for reading, happy new year and happy anniversary to anyone else who's celebrating one today! I've seen quite a lot of you!
Lots of love