30 April 2018


I haven't posted a blog post since April 4th and it's the longest i've gone in a long time but something I realised I needed to do for myself. I haven't been feeling myself for the past month and I needed some time away to regenerate really and to regain my focus.

I never want to tire of writing my blog, I never want it to feel like a chore and I always want it to be something I love and to continue to be an online diary.
There's been a lot of talk about niche's and where do I fit in with a niche and i've grown to realise I don't have a niche and maybe you're meant to have one or maybe you're not but I love my diary of memories and the opportunities that arise with it and I don't feel like I need a niche to do what I do.
I just want to document anything and everything we feel we want to.
I want to document our adventures, our travels, my photography, my children, fashion, food, our home, our friends and family and whatever path life lays the foundations for. I feel in control and nothing ever feels false to me this way.

I never feel like I need to post yet another "what's in my changing bag" post because my niche has been moulded purely into a parenting category. I want to post what I like and hope that you all enjoy reading it too.

For me your blog is for you and if others like that then that's amazing but I don't want to feel pressured to put a post out on something I don't like either.
Taking a month off, focusing on life, my head space, my children and going on one heck of an amazing adventure was wonderful. Now i'm back, ready to start on my Dubrovnik blog posts and with a clean head space.