Everyone who knows our family know that we're absolute Disney fanatics. There's nothing more that we love then watching Disney films, visiting the Disney Store and thinking about our next trip to Disneyland, so you can imagine how excited I was when I received and email from Disney Store to ask us to review their new baby range.
We were asked to create a scene and to make that scene magical. Well being a photographer and being who I am, I just couldn't set myself the challenge of creating one scene only. Therefore, here I am creating a story of Iris' adventures in wonderland, whilst she shows off a gorgeous Alice dress and super soft Cheshire cat cushion.
There are lots of photos, so enjoy.
After listening to her brother being read the same bedtime story, over and over again, the same one he choses every night, Iris found herself in a daydream. What she saw next she just couldn't believe. A white rabbit appeared. Iris hopped up and followed it down a hole. At the bottom of the hole she found herself in a tiny bricked room. She needed to get through the door but after drinking from a peculiar bottle labelled 'drink me', she found herself shrinking.
She found herself in a strange little forest. She saw little twin Men named 'Tweedle Dum' and 'Tweedle Dee', a caterpillar who could blow smoke rings and flowers who claimed she was a weed even though she declared "I'm just Iris." Then on her journey she bumped into a strange cat; Cheshire cat to be precise.
Iris pondered for a while and had a chat with the Cheshire cat about all things utterly mad. The cat completely confused Iris with all of his odd quotes and constant disappearing.
She told him all about the White rabbit, and he gave her some advice.
Cheshire Cat: "If I were looking for a white rabbit, i'd ask the Mad Hatter"
Iris: The Mad Hatter? Oh, no no no...
Cat: Or, you could ask the March Hare, in that direction.
Iris: Oh, thank you. I think I'll see him...
Cat: Of course, he's mad, too.
Iris: But I don't want to go among mad people.
Cat: Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here. You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.
Iris had, had enough and went to locate the Mad Hatter and the March Hare.
Iris found herself drinking tea with the Mad Hatter, March Hare and the sleepy, little Door-Mouse.
Iris found herself learning all about Unbirthday's and cake and tea; lots of tea, mostly half cups of tea.
She found herself really enjoying herself, and feeling a little bonkers in all honesty.
Then all of a sudden she saw this White Rabbit appear from nowhere (We have a white rabbit, called Pepper and I mean who says you shouldn't/can't work with animals and babies?)
The Queen of Hearts was making her appearance. All Iris could here was "WHO'S BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED?," and "THAT'S ENOUGH!!! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS."
Iris was terrified. They were going to lose their heads for painting the roses red. The roses they had accidentally planted using the white rose seeds instead of the red and the Queen likes em' red.
The next thing Iris knew, she was playing croquet with the Queen. Then Iris ended up in court and being chased by the Queen all because of following that White Rabbit and that naughty Cheshire Cat. The queen was yelling "CHOP OFF HER HEAD" and Iris was running and running, trying to get home, trying to get outside - before the door knob pointed out that she was outside. Iris yelled "wake up. Iris, wake up! Please, wake up, Iris!"
Was it all a dream?
I had so much fun creating and editing these photo scenes in collaboration with Disney Store. You can create your own and join myself, and others at #DisneyStoreUK. You can also pick up a costume or one of the cute outfits in the baby range by clicking HERE and they have a promotion on baby costumes until March 8th too!
I hope you liked this post! There are more images below. They include a sleepy Iris, shocked Iris and a sneaky eating of the Jam tarts.
Quick disclaimer - Iris didn't eat or put any of the biscuits or jam tart in her mouth. It was photo opportunities only.
*We were gifted the dress and cushion from Disney Store to create a magical scene in return for images and a blog post - All images and words are my own*