23 November 2015


Recently Lucas has been suffering with a "flu like" virus. He's been physically sick, snotty, grotty and feverish and it all came on at once. we suffered the miscarriage, then Lucas got ill, then Brad got ill and finally I got it So we've been really rubbish with keeping up with social media and blogging & vlogging. 

Since Lucas has been ill, he's been really clingy and needy. We struggle at bedtimes especially. 
When he was physically throwing up, he was staying in our bed because we were worried about him throwing up and us not knowing about it. We found him on his back whilst throwing up once and it spooked us. This has caused huge issues for us now. 2 nights out of the past year has made a huge impact.

We've recently binned Lucas' beloved cuskiboo due to it constantly smelling of damp and looking so grotty. No matter how many times we washed it, it never came out clean or smelt clean, due to his constant sucking on it and chewing on it after his milk or food. We've replaced his cuski with "Biddy" or Mickey to most of us.
This seems to be working and he doesn't suck on this as much which is brilliant. 
I've also started getting him to chose his pyjamas, I ask him to point to one of two and then we'll read a book and he'll go down with a warm bottle of full fat cows milk. 

This seems to be working so far, touch wood, cross EVERYTHING!
Bedtime is a wonderful part of my day, especially as i've been working, lots of hours and sleep is a crucial part of my day, and my favourite. 

Being a mummy and a working one, is extremely exhausting but it's the way we live our lives as a family and we wouldn't change it. Well unless someone want's to pay me a thousand pounds a month, plus, to stay at home and look after Lucas and blog... Maybe one day but for now i'm just a dreamer.

These beautiful pyjamas were sent to us from "Puddy Jax" and they're the cutest, little robot pyjamas I ever did see. Lucas loves them and I couldn't get a picture that didn't involve a small fraction of his Disney teddy collection.

Lucas has always loved sleep, just as much as me, so fingers crossed we can go back to normal good sleeping.