Today I finally received my second “my little box” and this months was the french riviera one. I love it. My first box that came through was a little pants but, this one is a dream.
I first saw this box on the lovely deardaisyelizabeth and then when it popped up on my facebook page, i decided to give it a go.
This months saw some cute little bits.
I first saw this box on the lovely deardaisyelizabeth and then when it popped up on my facebook page, i decided to give it a go.
This months saw some cute little bits.
The “this is my happy place” could easily be framed, it’s lovely, i’m going to frame it and put it in the bathroom, along with the planters. As our bathroom is nautical themed, it will look very cute.
Then as well as homey bits, you get some cosmetic pieces and an accessory.
This months sees a pair of gorgeous sunglasses.
and a nail varnish, body scrub (which i’m using currently) and a hair treatment.
This box is certainly worth the money and I am so excited to see next months.