25 January 2017


Having a toddler is my favourite, my absolute favourite. I love having a baby, but love it more because I can appreciate cuddles with Iris and the cute, and hilariousness of a toddler.
One of my favourite things about Lucas is his speech, he uses long words, speaks in sentences and has great conversations with myself and Brad.
What I love is his funny quotes, mispronounced words and cheekiness too. I thought i'd write out a little list for us to look back on when Lucas no longer says things like "ogert" and calls it a "yogurt" and I really realise how much he's growing up and want to shrink him back to his two year old self. "biddy," is now "bicky ouse" so thats even nearly "Mickey mouse".

1. "NO MUMMY, LUCAS SINGING" - Singing human with Lucas, a beautiful duet, then suddenly... "No mummy, Lucas singing," pointing at me and making me stop in my tracks. Was a rather delightful way of telling me "mummy, you cannot sing, shut it" in toddler terms.
2. "STUPID PIG" - Cheers Peppa pig for this one. Whenever he crashes his Grandpa Pig train into Miss Rabbits train, this gets yells - EVERYTIME. We're working on "silly pig" instead currently.
3. "NOISY BUM" - How Lucas announces bottom gas noises. This has been announced numerous times in public places.
4. "DUDDLE" - Sometimes for cute reasons, mostly for a way into a place he's not meant to be in; like the kitchen, or to get up high to be nosey.
5. "WHATS DAT ONE?" - Usually pointing at something he knows exactly what it is, it's usually a ploy to get us to tell him so he can say "Me have it?"
6. "CHEESY PASTA" - Lucas' answer to "what do you want for dinner," EVERYNIGHT.
7. "PIZZZZA" - Every time the door knocks... not sure what that says about mine and Brad's food habits.
8. "POST! THE POST! POOOOOST!" - As soon as the letters hit the floor, it's like having a dog, but instead of barking, the word post is yelled around. A lot.
9. "IRIS, CHEEKY BOY" - No matter how many times I tell him she's a girl, he insists.
10. "IRIS, CUTE" - The cutest thing I think he says. He is smitten by her.
11. "LUCAS, HUNNNNGRY" - He says as he rubs his tummy.
12. "MUMMY, DADDY, EATING CHEEEESE" - His favourite book, slow snail, ends with two snails on a leaf eating dinner. Lucas points at one and says "mummy," to other and says "daddy," and then "eating cheeeese".
13. "SMILEY FARK"- Smiley shark, one of Lucas' favourite books, but he mispronounces it and its a little less fark and more another word with four letters beginning with f and ending in k. Oh Lucas.
14. "HOLD ON A MIMMIT" - The cutest saying, "hold on a minute"
15. "LUCAS BUM, LUCAS LUCAS LUCAS LUCAS, LUCAS BUM" - Sung to the theme tune of chuggington.
16. "MORNINNNNG" - How i'm woken up daily.
17. "RHINOS DON'T EAT PANCAKES" - Another one of Lucas' books, but he loves talking about rhinos eating pancakes.
18. "NO IM NOT A BUNKEY" - Lucas' response to calling him a monkey.
19. "DANNY CAN" - Shawn Mendes - treat you better, Brad changed "than he can" to "Danny can" from the facebook name thing videos. Now Lucas refers to the song as Danny Can and sings to it.
20. "DWESSING GOWN" - Lucas' mispronouncing of dressing gown is the cutest thing.

Theres so many more but I would be here all day thinking them up and typing away. These are a few of my favourites.

Whats on the list for what your toddlers say? mispronounce? or are they older and have now correct certain words?